Normative legal regulation of the social relations in the sphere of information

Бесплатный доступ

The article is devoted to problems of legal regulation of relations in information sphere. The peculiarities of regulation of social relations in the information sphere requirements promoting improvement legal and standard security in the sphere of information technology market are considered. The author puts himself the problems of system research of information regulative and administrative essence of statutory acts in this area, their internal construction and the organization of interaction. On the basis of the system analysis of the Russian legislation in work the basic directions of perfection and development of is standard-legal regulation in information sphere are represented. It is pointed out that consecutive development of the legislation in information sphere is predetermined by necessity of the complex approach to formation and working out of the united concept of legal maintenance.


Legal regulation, information system, informatisation, informational processes, sphere of information

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142232330

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