Norms of modern Russian segmental orthoepy: aspects of comprehension in Russian linguistics

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The article reveals the following aspects of segmental orthoepy are the subject of research for Russian linguists: 1) the genesis of norms at the phonetic level of the language system; 2) the orthoepic paradigm, which includes normative and deviant pronunciation of words in usage; 3) the conditions of orthoepic variation; 4) the euphonic component of the pronunciation norm; 5) the attitude to the orthoepic tradition - the tendency towards modernization in the sphere of orthoepic codification or conservation of reasonable retrospective. The analysis of the conceptions in Russian linguistics allows us to conclude that the system-centric and anthropocentric approaches to the study of language are combined in problems of segmental orthoepy research.


Speech culture, orthology, language norm, segmental orthoepy, variation and dynamics of the pronunciation norm

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IDR: 147154077   |   DOI: 10.14529/ling170310

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