A new interpretation of the lithic assemblage location in Sai Djanurpa (Eastern Caspian)

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The central geographical position of the Caspian region plays a key role in understanding the historical processes which took place in the territory of Central Asia. One of the important geological factors that influenced the processes of settlement in this region by ancient populations is the transgressive-regressive variability of the Caspian sea level and access to fresh water. There are dozens of Early Holocene sites on the Krasnovodsk Peninsula (Eastern Caspian), most of them being surface complexes. The interpretation of these complexes has so far been controversial due to the lack of stratigraphic context and absolute dating. Purpose. This paper analyzes the techno-typological characteristics of lithic tool assemblages assigned to Early Holocene industries from Eastern Caspian site Sai Djanurpa. The article also discusses the links of how the dynamics of the ancient shores of the Caspian influenced settlement dynamics in the region. Results. The conducted detailed techno-typological analysis of the lithic collection of Sai Djanurpa allowed to discern two distinct complexes. The two complexes defined by different technological and typological characteristics: types of chips, types of tools and metric indicators. The first complex is characterized by the exploitation of chalcedony flint for the production of blades by soft hammer percussion, by borer, end-scraper and retouched flakes in the toolkit. The second complex is associated with the use of chalcedony, sandstone and flint for the production of microbladelets by the pressure technique, from conical and frontal cores. The toolkit of the second set of complexes is characterized by bifacial narrow points, burins, ventral retouched microblades and micro-scrapers. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of the lithic assemblages, the geomorphological position of the site and the paleogeographic condition of the Caspian region, the authors assume that two different populations with two different material cultures inhabited the Sai Djanurpa site during the final Pleistocene - early Holocene and the middle Holocene.


Eastern caspian, early holocene, mesolithic, neolithic, paleogeography, lithic technology

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147220467

IDR: 147220467   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-7-52-68

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