The new collection of the iron arrowheads in the State Historical Museum of Kyrgyz Republic
Статья: The new collection of the iron arrowheads in the State Historical Museum of Kyrgyz Republic
Автор: Akmatov K.T.
Журнал: Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: История, филология @historyphilology
Рубрика: Археология и антропология Евразии
Статья в выпуске: 3 т.13, 2014 года.
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Purpose: The paper introduces and analyses the new collection of iron arrowheads accidentally discovered in the Osh district of Kyrgyz Republic. They are part of large collection of antique metallic items, which include also items of costume and toilet (plaques, buckles, mirrors), horse trappings (plaques, rings for strap crossings, strap ends, plume) and some items undefined function. Results: According the classification system suggested by Yu. S. Khudyakov these arrowheads belong to the category of iron and to the division of tanged. Each division can be further subdivided into groups by the section of head. There are six groups of arrowheads in the present collection. Each group is also subdivided into types by the shape of head. There is a broad spectrum of armour-piercing arrowheads, which according to analogies are dated back to the Karakhanid epoch. They characterize the orientation of shooting against well-protected enemies and as a whole the military tactics of warriors. This feature, though less degree than examined period was also typical to Kenkol and Ancient Turks archers of Tyan’-Shan, which was determined by being at war with well-armed and armoured settled-farming armies. Apparently at the time of Mongol domination no above-mentioned armourpiercing arrowheads were in use, since no such kind of finds are made in the burials of nomads of Mongol period. Probably this trend in the military affair of Tyan’-Shan population was not only a result of the impact of newly arrived Mongol tribes, but also consequences of the destruction of towns, which were a craft centers. Massive and flat heads are designed to defeat an enemy unprotected by armour. Such arrowheads are widely spread in the epoch of High Middle Ages. Apparently flat arrowheads with sector-quadrangular-shaped wings (group 2, type 1), as other types of flat ones, are appeared in the Tyan’-Shan by under the influence of Mongol tribes, although no analogues are found in the archery of Kidans and Mongols. It is quite possible that such items were local modifications of arrowheads used by newly arrived Mongol archers. Conclusion: As a whole the chronology of analyzed arrowheads is closely connected with the general tendency in the development of arrowheads of the peoples of Inner Asia and Southern Siberia, though there were no full synchronization and parallelism. Despite the accidental nature of finds, the new collection of iron arrowheads significantly increases the sources fund on weaponry and expands our understanding of military affairs of the medieval Tyan’-Shan population.
Kyrgyzstan, iron arrowheads, high medieval ages, mongols, tyan'-shan, stray finds, karakhanids, kidans
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IDR: 147219036