New updates to stratigraphic partition of early upper Paleolithic sequence of Kara-Bom site (spatial analyzes and refitting studies)

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This paper analyzes data on stratigraphy and planigraphy of deposits of Kara-Bom (Gorny Altai) containing Early Upper Paleolithic assemblages. Based on the study of the vertical and horizontal localization of artifacts according to raw material types, extensive refittings, spatial analyses of location of hearths and stone slabs we propose a new scheme of industrial and stratigraphic sequence of the site. Instead of previously established division of Upper Paleolithic cultural remains according to 6 discrete habitation levels we revealed two cultural levels, separated by archeologically sterile sediments. These levels we designate as Upper Paleolithic horizon 1 (upper layer, UP1, 30 000–34 000 BP according to 14C dates) and Upper Paleolithic horizon 2 (lower layer, UP2, ca. 43 000 BP). Identified cultural horizons reflect two cycles of visits to site separated by an interval of a few thousand years or two episodes of more or less long-term residential activity. The evidence gathered from Upper Paleolithic layers of Kara-Bom has helped to build a two-stages sequence of Upper Paleolithic in region – Initial Upper Paleolithic/Transitional and Early Upper Paleolithic.


Early upper paleolithic, kara-bom site, spatial analyzes, cultural horizon, cultural-stratigraphic partition of sediments, refitting studies

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147218913

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