News of the legislation on intellectual rights of 2017 and prospects of its development

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The article analyzes changes related to the protection of intellectual property rights introduced in Part Four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts in 2017, the reasons for introducing changes and the prospects for the application of short stories, in particular, questions of the inviolability of the rights of theater directors to “live performances,” collective management exclusive rights, registration of industrial designs. Prospects for the development of legislation in the field of intellectual property rights protection for 2018 are considered.

The results of the intellectual activity of the director, the legal status of theater directors, the right to the inviolability of live production, collective management of exclusive rights, non-contractual management of copyright, early termination of protection of a trademark


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170172957   |   DOI: 10.24411/2072-4098-2018-13002

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