New settlement of ancestors of the Komi-Zyryans in the Middle Vychegda

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Till the 1950-1960-s of last century the opinion on late settling of the eastern part of Vychegda territory by ancestors of the Komi-Zyryans dominated. Researchers believed that in this region the Komi population appeared only in the XVI-XVII centuries and it was referred to trade territories of the Ugrians (ancestors of the Mansi and Khanty). The situation started to change from mid 1970-s when as a result of works of the 1-st Vychegodsky archaeological group of the Institute of Language, Literature and History, Komi Braneh, USSR Acadе- my of Sciences, under the guidance of the author the first sites of ancestors of the Komi-Zyryans had been discovered and investigated in the middle Vychegda valley. By now on a considerable extent in the middle reaches of Vychegda (more than 200 km), from the mouth of its left tributary of Sysola and further on, 9 sites of the Vychegda Perm have been discovered and investigated.


Ancestors of the komi-zyryans, local variant of the vychegda perm

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14992395

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