New archaeological researches of the complex Novy Bor III in the Pechora Polar region

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The results of excavations of 2014 on the object of archaeological heritage - “the Complex Novy Bor III” located in a valley of the Polar Pechora, are introduced in the scientific turnover. The description of sites of XII-XIII centuriesA.D. of the complex - Novy Bor III and Denisovsky Shar is given, preliminary classification and cultural attribution of the obtained materials is performed. According to the authors, they represent a uniform non-fortified settlement divided by while not clear principle (possibly - functional) into three parts, two of which in the ancient time were surrounded with ditches dug for derivation of ground waters or storm sewage. It is established that the ware implements on the studied sites are identical, which suggests a cultural-chronological unity of the groups who have left these items.The findings obtained as a result of the excavations, are presented, basically, by fragments of handmade pottery with inclusions of gravel in clay and carefully executed stamped decoration from dentate and figured imprints. Except linearly located imprints, vertical scallops from imprints of angled stamped decoration are presented. Among ceramics fragments the vessel fragments on the pallet and small fragments of walls of circular vessels with linear ornament are found. Fragments of vessels with organic inclusions occur. Other finds are not numerous fragments of raw and calcined bones of animals, large fragments of slags or blooms.The modelled ware obtained at excavations, reflects traditional lines of ceramicmanufacture of a local group of the medieval population of the Low Pechora, simultaneously showing similarity with the Low-Ob (Ugrian or Samoyedic) circle ofarchaeological cultures. Finds of fragments of the Old Russian ceramics with linear ornament indicate contacts of local inhabitants with the Russian population.The comparative analysis of archaeological sources allowed to outline a circle ofsimilar settlement complexes of the first half of II millennium A.D. of the Subarctic and Arctic zone of the northeast of Europe, presumably defining them asthe local group of the medieval population known in the Russian annals under the ethnonym “pechera ”.


The northeast of europe, the basin of pechora, arctic regions, subarctic region, archaeological sites, middle ages

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IDR: 14992762

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