New forms of employment - new problems

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This article analyzes the processes of transformation of the Russian labor market in the context of the development of a new industrial revolution, known as “Industry 4.0”. It is noted that the processes of active and widespread development of digital technologies have led to the formation of digital labor markets and employment on the Internet, which is becoming more widespread, increased competition among workers and the division of their labor. All this required a corresponding modernization of the country’s labor legislation. The advantages and problems faced by society in the field of labor relations with the development of digital technologies in the economy have been identified and investigated. Despite the fact that new forms of employment provide great opportunities for realizing human potential, at the same time, with the institutional infrastructure of the labor market lagging behind the real state and movement of social and labor relations, as well as with low social responsibility of the business community, they can have and negative consequences in the form of a decrease in the social protection of employees and social efficiency. As the author notes, the problem is aggravated by the fact that today it is impossible to fully determine the level and dynamics of development in the country of new, non-standard types of employment of the population due to the absence or insufficiency of official information corresponding to it.


Labor market, non-standard forms of employment, digital technologies, employee, employer

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142230885   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1989

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