New multi-contact switching systems and construction on their basis of the structure of intelligent distribution electric networks

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The 21st century is the century of robotization, the age of the 4th technological mode. This also applies to the power grid complex. Prospects for development are the creation of intelligent networks, which requires the development of new solutions in power grid systems for monitoring, control, accounting and management. The increasingly widespread introduction of renewable energy sources with unstable electricity production indicators, the active development of microgrids require the development of new approaches to network management, the development of new switching systems that allow changing the electrical network configuration over a wide range, ensuring a high degree of reliability of electricity supply to consumers. In the literature there is a fairly large number of concepts for the construction of intelligent electrical networks. However, the lower voltage networks in this regard are considered much less specifically, there are no solutions for the creation of new switching equipment. In the existing concepts of intelligent networks, far from the whole range of monitoring, control, accounting and control is provided. In the course of the study, new multi-contact switching systems were proposed for use in electrical networks, which allow, using intelligent control, monitoring, accounting and control systems, to change the network configuration over a wide range, ensuring a high degree of reliability of power supply to consumers.


Smart grid, keyword: intelligent power grid, multi-contact switching systems, power supply reliability, smart systems, smart grid concept

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IDR: 147230875

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