New findigs of the rare lichen species in Frolikhinsky state preserve

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The lichens Mycoblastus affmis (Schaer) T. Schauer are revealed first in the wood coenosis of the Frolikhinsky preserve on foothills of Barguzinski mountain on northeast coast of Baikal lake on the territory of Buryatiya. There are revealed the relict species of such lichens as Lobaria pulmonaria (L). Hoffm., Lobaria retigera (Bory) Trevis. There is revealed also the lichen Tuckneraraia laureri (Kremp) Randlane ex Thell., which is more widely distributed in comparison with the previous species on the territory of Buryatiya. There are revealed altogether 99 lichen species in the wood coenosis of the Frolikhinsky preserve.

Lichens, rare, relikt species, mountain barguzinski

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IDR: 148181873

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