New summary work on a history of Khakasia: sketches of a Khakasia history (from most ancient times up to (present) / ed. by V. Ya. Butanaev. Abakan: publishing house of Khakas State University by N. F. Каtаnоv, 2008. 672 p. ill

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The reviewed work should be characterized as the important event in historiography of Siberia. The large file of new sources of various character is entered into scientific use, the original approaches to the analysis concrete historical, archaeological and, especially, folklore materials are tested. On this base the objective estimations of a line of the phenomena, processes and tendencies in a history of region are carried spent. Are characterized debatable before problems. It is necessary to hope, that in the further work will be corrected and separate lacks, available in the edition.

A history of khakasia, archaeology, ethnography, folklore, new sources, historical processes and tendencies, conclusions, characteristics

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