A new productive universal wheat variety luda with high quality of grain, resistant to wheat liquid and diseases

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The aim of the research on soft winter wheat selection in the North Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center (Stavropol Territory) is to create new high-quality varieties combining productive and adaptive potentials. The main method for creating new wheat genotypes is intraspecific, complex, stepwise hybridization and targeted selection. When selecting parental pairs, genotypes with pronounced markers of the main economically valuable traits and properties are used. In order to enhance desired characteristics and properties in future variety, the method of repeated satiating crosses is used. To accelerate and increase the efficiency, when creating varieties, haploid and marker selection is used. A new variety of universal type Luda has been created. By botanical definition, it is soft wheat, of the variety of lutescens (Triticum aestivum L. lutescens Korn). It is highlighted for its high yield, high grain quality, resistance to lodging and disease. A new wheat genotype of soft winter Luda in yield is significantly higher than Thunder standard, exceeding it by 1...


Wheat, variety, genotype, crop, quality, frost resistance

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140248946

IDR: 140248946   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-4-24-30

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