Istochnik, a new high quality soft winter wheat genotype, adaptive to cultivation under the conditions of the south and south-east of Russia

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The research objective was the creation of a new variety of soft winter wheat Istochnik adapted for the cultivation on intensive and mid-intensive technologies in agroecological and soil climatic conditions of the South and South-East of Russia. The main method of creation of the varieties in the North Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center is intraspecific, difficult, step hybridization, purposeful selection. For the reduction and increase of the efficiency of selection process, along with classical selection haploid and marker systems were used. At the hybridization genetic sources which genomes contained pronounced markers of the main economic and valuable signs and properties were used. Observation estimating, accounting, the quality of grain and bread assessment, statistical processing of the results of the research were made according to "The technique of the state variety testing of crops" (1985), "The technique of the assessment of technological qualities of grain" (1971), "Methodical recommendations about the assessment of grain quality", "Field experiment technique" (1985). A new variety of soft winter wheat ‘Istochnik’ was allocated from hybrid population from complicated intraspecific hybridization where as the maternal plant the hybrid from crossing of two varieties (Donskoy Surprise × Donskoy Mayak) and as fatherly the variety Rhapsody were used. Complex mineral fertilizers in the dose of N40 P60 K40 kg on one hectare on active ingredient were introduced. Preceding cultivation on the depth of 5-6 cm was carried out. The predecessor was fallow; the norm of seeding was 500 germinating grains on 1 m2. On grain productivity for years of studying (2017-2019) it exceeded the standard Grom by 1.17 t/hectare. It is a mid-season variety. On grain quality Istochnik exceeds the standard variety of valuable wheat Grom. On the main indicators of the quality of grain and bread it corresponds to the state standard specification required of hard wheat. It is steady against drowning and diseases, possesses both high drought resistance and high frost resistance. On this indicator the new variety authentically exceeds the Grom standard possessing high frost resistance.


Wheat, variety, genotype, quality, productivity, frost resistance

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IDR: 140250626   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-5-3-9

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