On the reliability of determining human growth by foot length

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The article presents the results of the scientific analysis of the possibility of determining the height (body length) of a person from the footprints (foot length). Surveys of 9,814 men and 6,078 women of different social, ethnic and age groups measured foot height and length made up the experimental research base. On the basis of the obtained data, histograms of the growth distribution for feet of different lengths with a difference of ten millimeters were compiled, the nature and density of such distribution were analyzed. As a result, it was found that each length of the foot corresponds to its own separate set of growth values with a different frequency of occurrence, the total spread of which reaches 23 centimeters. This distributive feature objectively does not allow to establish the exact growth (body length) of a person along the length of the foot. However, the main, largest part of the growth values (76-80 %) corresponding to the specific length of the foot is concentrated in the interval of 10 centimeters, while the minimum and maximum growth values are much less common - in 1-3 % of cases. Therefore, within ten centimeters, it is possible to diagnose human growth along the length of the foot with a rather high degree of probability.


Growth, body length, foot length, traces of legs, growth diagnostics, anthropometrical dependence, the dismembered corpse

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143174471

IDR: 143174471   |   DOI: 10.24412/2587-9820-2021-2-132-137

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