On the efficiency regulating factors of the grain market

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It is proposed to consider the reserves for increasing the efficiency of agricultural business on the example of the grain market as the difference between possible and already achieved levels of economic return. It is recommended that possible levels of performance be focused on the best practices of regional or foreign benchmarking. The author's systematization of the factors of economic efficiency of conducting the grain market with the allocation of environmental, social, economic, organizational, technical, technological, and natural areas is given. It is stated that the important factors of the regional grain market competitiveness are the developed material and technical base, new progressive production technologies, methods of processing, storage, etc., and the final performance indicators of the grain business depend primarily on productivity and quality characteristics. It is noted that in the process of grain production, it is quite possible to overcome the regional yield level of 7 t/ha and higher when cultivating high-yielding varieties with the introduction of fertilizers according to the recommendations of science, compliance with agrotechnical terms of technological operations, and there are also limiting, constraining factors of productivity and efficiency.


Grain, market, definitions, factors, intensification, efficiency limits

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142223446

IDR: 142223446   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1022

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