Hillforts of the 5th-7th centuries in the Upper Dnieper basin and the northwest Russia

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The paper explores the issues pertaining to the studies of hillforts attributed tothe cultures of the early Slavic circle and dated to the third quarter of the first millennium,i. e. Pskov long kurgans, the Tushemlya-Bantserovshina culture, and the Kolochin culture.One of the issues is cultural attribution of specific sites and entire groups of sites, datingand interpretation of hillforts. Out of 258 fortified sites of these cultures mentionedin the literature, 64 locations from where ceramics and other finds had been retrieved andthat could be attributed to certain cultures are shown on the map.

Fortified settlements, refuge settlement, sanctuary, fortification, migrationperiod

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143164033

IDR: 143164033

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