On the teachers’ readiness to foster emotional responsiveness of preschool children

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The paper considers the issue of the preschool teachers’ readiness to foster emotional responsiveness of preschool children, as stipulated by the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education. The authors emphasize that it rather topical pedagogical issue to develop emotional responsiveness of preschool children, which is not only stated as a task of preschool education policy, but also a as need of modern society facing decreased level of spirituality and kindness and increased violence. Analyzing the reference educational sources and the humanistic educational concept, the authors justify the factors of emotional responsiveness of preschool children, including heredity; social and emotional experience developed in the family; intensity of personal development in childhood; sensitivity of preschoolers for developing emotional responsiveness; age coherence between the needs for social activities and socially significant relationships; potential for emotional development in a game as the leading preschool activity...


Preschool age, emotional responsiveness, educational activities, developing environment, sensitive age, emotional and social experience

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14116911

IDR: 14116911

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