On the beginning of ethnology at Taiwan (review of the book by V. Ts. Golovachev “Excursion to Formosa: ethnographical journey of P. I. Ibis” Moscow, “Ves’ mir” Publishing House, 2019, 276 p., il.)

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The review assesses the recently published book by V. T. Golovachev, dedicated to the ethnographic expedition of Russian naval officer and researcher Paul (Pavel Ivanovich) Ibis to Taiwan in early 1875. This expedition laid the foundation for scientific study of the material and spiritual culture of the island natives, from the Paleolithic era to ethnographical time. A thorough study of the book was conducted, as it contains all currently available archival and published materials. As a result of the work of V. T. Golovachev, Russia's priority in the study of Taiwan's ethnology can be considered conclusively proven.

Taiwanese natives, ethnographic travel, paul ibis, historiographic priority

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147220224

ID: 147220224   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-4-142-146
