About some aspects of local studies library-museum of Koreiz (Crimea)

Автор: Smirno Irina Anatolyevna, Koryshenko Valentina Anatolyevna

Журнал: Культурное наследие России @kultnasledie

Рубрика: Культурное наследие регионов России

Статья в выпуске: 3-4, 2013 года.

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The article covers the activities of Koreizsky library-museum study, conservation and promotion of a variety of local lore tells about the research and educational activity of the group.

Crimea, koreiz, library-museum, historical and cultural heritage, work with the local population

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170173772

IDR: 170173772

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