On the role of the natural factor in the process of ethnogenesis

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The article analyzes the interdependence of ethnoses and nature, the influence of natural environment and space environment on ethnogenesis based on the social and philosophical concept of ethnogenesis, developed by L. N. Gumilev. We have analyzed the thesis that ethnoses are come up and developed not only under the influence of terrestrial factors, but also under the influence of cosmic energy. The concept proposes to use the methods of modern scientific geography to study the local features of anthropogenic biocenoses, micromutations that change the behavior of a person, and successions associated with migration processes. We have studied the connection between the phases of development and interaction of the ethnos and the surrounding. Immoral attitude to nature is consistently associated with a decrease in the level of passionarity of the ethnic system.


Ethnos, natural landscape, space environment, natural environment, phases of ethnogenesis, passionarity, passionary impetus, biosphere, geography, ethnogenesis

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148317051

IDR: 148317051   |   DOI: 10.18101/2306-630X-2018-1-64-74

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