On the use of the international experience in legal regulation of lobbying in Russia

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The researchers of the institute of political lobbyism generally claim that it only occurs at a certain stage of financial and economic development of a country, when the market economy is becoming the dominant element in its state and legal development. During this period there occurs a transition from one polical and legal paradigm to another, and liberalism becomes dominant type of legal consciousness. As it is known, the basic postulates of the liberal doctrine are personal freedom in any form and the non-interference of the state in economic life of the society. Thus, there is not just the distinction between the private and the public interests, but also the subordination of the public interest, which exponent is the state as such, to the private interests of members of the society. Democracy itself as a form of popular sovereignty, when every member of the society, satisfying to certain qualifications, has the right to control its political life by the exercise of political rights - the right to elect and to be elected, the right to form and participate in political organisations, the right to petition, etc. - induces lobbyism.


Lobbying, lobbyism, lobby, liberalism, social democracy, state, law

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142233736

IDR: 142233736

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