About possibility of mixing of liquid metal with external rotational magnetic field

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Physical justification of a hypothesis that liquid metal in a melting bath and in a converter can be mixed with external rotational magnetic field is carried out. Numerical solution of the kinetic equations for casual collisions with use of free path length and of effective sections of atoms shows that concentration of impurities can decrease to a desired level in time interval ranging from units of minutes to several seconds. This proves the need forbetter mixing of molten metal with use of magnetic field for increased efficiency of production cycle. It is assumed that free atoms of carbon C and oxygen O in liquid metal don’t lose kinetic energy as a result of potential interactions with atoms of Fe. Therefore this model works approximately. Procedure for exact integration of equation of motion for a Brown particle in three-dimensional case is shown.


Melted, metal, mixing, magnetic, field, circular, impurity, interaction, speed, particle, brown, travel

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/146114680

IDR: 146114680

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