On ideological and theoretical grounds of early British colonization of North America

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Anglo-Saxon legal colonial thought is noticeably inferior to Spanish in humanistic perspective. After studying special scientific literature, certain juridical documents of early art nouveau period and doctrinal works of Spanish and English lawyers of that period, the author comes to the conclusion that among Anglo-Saxon ideologists there was no their own B. Las Casas, who was a true humanist and a defender of Indians’ rights. There were no such ideologists as F. Vittoria, who found arguments in favor of the Spanish colonial expansion, blaming colonizers’ and conquistadors’ crimes. The primary aim of the British colonial expansion in America was not to export its own legal values, but to conquer foreign territories. That is why early ideologists made all efforts to dehumanize American aborigines, to justify ideologically their mass extermination, excluding compromises, especially interracial marriages. Realization of the British colonial ideology combining legal and religious principles, led to the longest genocide in the history.


British colonial expansion, british colonial ideas, genocide of american indians

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IDR: 142233858

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