Using the Moodle system in teaching of mathematics for students of the institute of space and information technologies of SFU

Автор: Sidorova Tatyana Valerevna, Shershneva Viktoriya Anatolevna, Kosmidis Irina Fedorovna, Zykova Tatyana Viktorovna, Kytmanov Alexey Aleksandrovich

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Математика, механика, информатика

Статья в выпуске: 5 (57), 2014 года.

Бесплатный доступ

In the present paper we give the description of learning focused modular environment Moodle for study of mathematical disciplines of students of Institute of space and information technologies of the Siberian federal university directed on improvement of quality of mathematical education and effective formation of mathematical competence students. It is carried out the statistical analysis of results of introduction of the electronic training course to the educational process of disciplines "Mathematical analysis", "Algebra and geometry". During the introduction in studying process the statistics of the learning results of mathematical disciplines for students of the Institute of Space and Information Technologies SFU is accumulated. Statistical data are presented in the form of grades for independent work by sections and modules of mathematical disciplines, as well as the results of control tests for each module. The statistical analysis of the results of the implementation of e-learning course in the studying process of disciplines "Mathematical analysis", "Algebra and Geometry" is shown. It is determined the dependence between the performance of independent work of students in a web-oriented environment Moodle and the results of control tests. It is shown that the performance of students ’ independent assignments e-learning course contributes to higher results of a final test on the modules and the discipline as a whole. A number of advantages of using the e-learning system in teaching of mathematics in comparison with the traditional system is noted. It is shown that learning with the use of information and communication technology allows you to quickly analyze the typical errors of students and to see the dynamics of the level of formation of mathematical competence through the formation of its indicators. It is made the conclusion about the effectiveness of e-learning courses in the educational process. It is determined the prospects for further application of e-learning courses of mathematical disciplines.


E-learning, network educational resources, mathematical competence, information and communication technologies, learning environment

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177343

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