About organization portal of knowledge on аrchaeology on a basis of оntology

Автор: Аndreeva О.А., Borovikova О.I., Bulgaкоv S.V., Zagorulko Yu. А., Sidorova Е.А., Kholyushkin Yu. P., Tsirkin B.G.

Журнал: Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: История, филология @historyphilology

Рубрика: История и теория науки

Статья в выпуске: 5 т.8, 2009 года.

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In the article the approach to construction of the Internet-portal of knowledge is examined. The authors note that such portal provides to a broad circle of users systematization of knowledge and information resources in archaeology, their integration in single information space, as well as full of substance access to this space (search of information and navigation controlled by knowledge in the archaeological terms of the portal). The information basis of the portal is formed by ontology and this allows to secure the uniform presentation of knowledge and data, as well as their coherency. On the basis of ontology's conceptions the Inherent data bases of the portal are constructed, its information filling, navigation controlled by knowledge and full of substance search of information are organized.


Archaeology, knowledge portal, ontology, information resource, information model, information retrieval, ontology-driven navigation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14737159

IDR: 14737159

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