About control of inertia less discrete-continuous processes with retardation

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Presented is the problem of stochastic control objects with discrete-continuous nature of the process in non-parametric uncertainties, in particular, the problem of the process management without memory delay has been studied. Similar processes occur in many different control loops of aerospace objects and systems. For example, in the manufacture of electro-radio products, in the spacecraft about reaching 150 thousand, can be represented both as a series of local objects dynamic nature and freewheeling delay. This article describes a situation where the input object receives several controlled input variables. It leaves its mark in the management of such processes, and determines the relevance of the problem. The article provides theoretical information on nonparametric control algorithms under incomplete information about the controlled process. The focus is on the construction of nonparametric algorithms of dual control. The essential difference between dual control algorithms from the standard is that the control unit performs two functions: research and management in the process of active accumulation of information. Algorithm for computing the sequence of control input actions (chain) is based on following Manufacture scheme: first control actions are chosen at random, based on practical considerations, but the following one is calculated using the nonparametric algorithms of dual control taking into account the first. Further, this pattern is repeated, i. e. each subsequent value of the components of the control actions is calculated taking into account all the previous ones. Thus, the form of the equation describing the local process remains unknown due to the lack of a priori information. Detailed results of the numerical investigation of the use of nonparametric algorithms for adaptive dual control at several control actions are given. In the simulation, the characteristics of the objects were described by non-linear components, the form of which was unknown, and which, in the active acquisition of information automatically restored on the basis of measurement of the input-output variables of the process. The study was conducted at different reference variables that could have stepped character, or comply with one or another path. Also the effect of different noise acting on the object and the measurement channels were investigated. The results of numerical studies have shown high enough efficiency of nonparametric algorithms of dual control multidimensional process without memory under conditions of incomplete information.


A priori information, nonparametric control, stochastic process, dual control, the instantaneous object

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148177453

IDR: 148177453

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