Ensuring the security of cross-border cooperation between Russian Federation and China

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There is deep cooperation between Russian and China in the energy, infrastructure and trade sectors of economy. A lot ofprojects exists in Siberia and Far East of Russia. At present time between Russia and China signed a lot of agreements and contracts. Two countries plan to build bridges, sea ports, oil and gas infrastructure, new fast railway route, ship construction dock. All this projects react on developing of Far East Russian region, and for the whole of Russia. Consolidated projects could make new high development effect of social-economy for Far East region. There are some risks of national security, that could not be forgot. In this article author analyses cooperation exists projects between Russia and China for 2016 year.


The borders of Russia and china, economic security, cooperation between Russia and china, joint projects, transport infrastructure, energy, cross-border territory

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14876191

IDR: 14876191

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