Ensuring competitiveness as the basis of economic security in the conditions of modern political and economic turbulence

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The methodological basis for the formation of national competitiveness in the Russian Federation that has emerged to date is characterized by limitations both in management methods and in the methods of responding to the challenges of the external environment. Such provisions do not allow the use of all available methodological tools for managing sustainable and stable economic development. This creates additional difficulties in solving pressing socio-economic problems in modern complex, difficult conditions, formed under the influence of anti-Russian sanctions and other destabilizing factors. As a result, additional risks arise in the process of formation and development of national competitiveness of Russia, which, under the conditions of sanctions restrictions, is in search of the most promising mechanisms for occupying a niche in the international community while striving to ensure economic security at a level that meets modern requirements.


Methodology, economic security, national competitiveness, risks, opportunities, political and economic turbulence

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328332

IDR: 148328332

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