Fraud as a means of committing property and financial crimes

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The article reveals the essence of fraud as a way of committing crimes on the example of different types of fraudulence and provides a critical analysis of its comparison to mental violence in law books. The author discusses techniques and forms of fraud, its most typical methods used in the field of property and financial crimes. It is noted that the greatest difficulty in the classification of these crimes is the detection of fraud, which is always used by the criminal in order to cover and disguise something. In particular, the peculiarities of the silent (passive) deception are revealed. The complexity of determining and proving this method is that it is characterized by largely subjective signs of crimes committed in different spheres of public life. The main goal of the article lies in the analysis of controversial issues concerning qualification of crimes committed with using fraud. These issues in the contemporary practice of combating crimes largely arise during bank lending. For this reason, this article focuses on the peculiarities of qualification of fraud in this area using examples from practice.


Abuse of trust, fraud, credit, mental violence, bank, bank lending, violent fraud, illegal obtaining of credit, economic crimes.j

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IDR: 142232795

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