Exchange to information in industrial network PlcNet

Автор: Kangin V.V., Lozhkin L.D., Yamoldinov D.N.

Журнал: Инфокоммуникационные технологии @ikt-psuti

Рубрика: Технологии телекоммуникаций

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.8, 2010 года.

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The Article is dedicated to questions to organizations of the exchange by information between level portioned managerial system, built on base of the industrial network PlcNet. It Is Shown that problem of the exchange by information on industrial network is central when designing SCADA-a systems. The Decision of this problem lies in planes of the organizations client-server relations between SCADA-a system and OPC-a server, delivered by developer of the network equipment. In this case problems of the exchange are reduced to programmed information exchange between SCADA-a system, executing role OPC-a client, and OPC-a server (is chose Fastwel PlcNet OPC Server). The Designed algorithm observer tegs, allowing observe importance's 32-h тегов, taken on network from controller lower level. The Designed algorithms of the procedures and function, providing watching possibility observer tegs: start OPC-a server Fastwel PlcNet OPC Server, accompaniment in it name of the segment and names tegs, determination of the type tegs and conclusion of importance's tegs in window on the form observer, stop OPC-server.


Portioned managerial system, industrial network, scada-система, scada, opc-клиент, opc-сервер, client-a server relations, opc-a client, opc-a server, teg

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IDR: 140191415

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