Defensive structures of Turk speakers population in Western and Southern Siberia according to the second half western Europeans XVII–XVIII first half century

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This article analyzes the historical information contained in the writings of Western military experts and scientists who visited the territory of Siberia in the second half of XVII – the first half of the XVIII century. Pay attention to the remains of the Tatar fortifications have survived from the time of the Siberian Khanate. This has included public education core areas of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia after the collapse of the Golden Horde, which made it possible in the future representatives of the Siberian "Tatar" aristocracy resist promoting Russian military units deep into her space. One of the tactics of military units of the Siberian indigenous peoples to counter the Russian was the use of the ancient and medieval fortifications built in the previous century, the residents of North and Central Asia. The paper presents evidence on the use of such buildings during the war as a shelter for civilians, traced the origin and development of the interest of historians and archaeologists to study ancient and medieval settlements in Western Siberia in the second half of XVII -the first half of the XVIII century. Analyzes the historiographical tradition on the subject. Provides information on the fortifications of the Siberian Tatars gathered in the Siberian yurt European military experts, travelers and scholars on Russian service.


Вторая половина xvii - первая половина xviii в., western and southern siberia, the second half of xvii - the first half of the xviii century, european military experts and scholars, "tatar" defenses

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IDR: 147218911

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