Rationale for necessity of using aeroionists and ozonators in agricultural production

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In modern industrial animal husbandry, one of the unsolved problems remains the creation of optimal conditions for the maintenance of animals. With a high concentration of livestock per unit area, the condition and composition of the air deteriorate. As a result, the incidence increases, the weight gain and the safety of animals decrease, and the risk of spreading aerogenic infections increases. In the process of livelihoods of animals in confined spaces, air is polluted with ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, organic compounds and dust. Creating optimal conditions for keeping animals remains an urgent problem for the work of agricultural producers and scientists working in the field of agriculture. The air environment in cattle-breeding premises is created by various ventilation systems, combined with heating and chemical treatment methods, aimed at cleaning from gas and bacterial contamination. These systems do not provide the required quality for the bacterial and gas composition of the air. Chemical compounds enter foodstuffs, they are found in the content of eggs, in meat, in cow milk, etc. Poor microclimate in livestock premises causes annual damage: according to the laying of laying hens 25%, a decrease in the moth's productivity of cows on 15%, average daily weight gain by 10%. To solve this problem, there are several ways - the use of modern facilities to maintain the microclimate, as well as the use of ionization and ozonation of the air. The use of ionization and ozonization for cleaning the air in livestock and poultry houses, thanks to which the freshness of air increases, the gas and microbial contamination decreases, the productivity of animals and poultry increases, and the requirements for energy-intensive equipment for maintaining the microclimate are reduced. Thus, the purpose of further research is the development of measures to improve and create a new highly efficient method and device for cleaning air from dust, microorganisms and ammonia, as well as saturation of premises for cattle - air ion storage.


Acupuncture points, aeroionization, aeroions, bactericidal action, bronchopneumonia, broiler, ventilation-heating system (boc), livestock premises, corona wire, ozone, ozonoprovod, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, electrocharged aerosols

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14770186

IDR: 14770186

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