Rationale modes of ultrasonic method for diagnosing high pressure hoses hydraulic drive system

Автор: Druzhinin P. v, Babushkin M. Yu.

Журнал: Технико-технологические проблемы сервиса @ttps

Рубрика: Диагностика и ремонт

Статья в выпуске: 4 (26), 2013 года.

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Justified modes and method of application of low-frequency ultrasonic pulse method of nondestructive testing to diagnose the technical condition of a multilayer cladding high pressure sleeves of hydraulic drive systems, including, machines and mechanisms operating in the sphere of housing and utilities.

Hydraulic drive system, high-pressure hoses, non-destructive testing, ultrasonic pulse method, machine housing and utilities complex

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148186114

IDR: 148186114

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