Public-state attributivity of specific institution on the organization of use of land resources and development of the content of modern land-use planning

Бесплатный доступ

In the condition of formation of a new socio-political and state system of Russia changes of established phenomena and processes closely connected with it are necessary. Examples of these phenomena is the land-use planning. Therefore, the study of the theory of the land-use planning has not only scientific relevance, but also practical significance. In this paper the author considers the nature of the land-use planning as the most important attribute of the state and society, as well as specific public-state institution. The author shows attributes of the state: land is the attribute of the state and society, organization of land use is the attribute of the state. He also describes institutionality of the land-use planning, the current state of the land-use planning, the vector of further development of the land-use planning as a specific institution.


Land, institutionality, land resources, attributivity, land-use planning

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142198870

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