The sisters of mercy society of the 2nd patriotic war for helping soldiers’ orphans (1916-1917)

Автор: Shevtsova Galina Igorevna

Журнал: Власть @vlast

Рубрика: Отечественный опыт

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2024 года.

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The article addresses the understudied aspect of the activities of the Petrograd sisters of mercy during World War I: their charity under the auspices of the Sisters of Mercy Society of the 2nd Patriotic War for Helping Soldiers’ Orphans which they established in early 1916. The political crisis in Russia in 1915 contributed to the rapid polarization of Russian society, which undoubtedly affected the sisters of mercy. Some of them joined the opposition, conducted revolutionary agitation among military personnel in hospitals and ambulance trains, while others conducted their social activity by creating new charitable organizations. The desire of the sisters of mercy to involve themselves in the activities of the Society and to raise funds for the implementation of its plans alarmed certain leaders of some communities of mercy. The Sisters of Mercy Society was funded by interest on the capital originating from contributions of the founders, subsidies from nominal committees, private donations, and fees from participation in public events. In the spring of 1916, the Sisters of Mercy Society managed to establish a home for 50 orphans of soldiers in Lakhta. Its immediate plans included opening other charitable institutions. Further development of the Society was halted by the events of October 1917.


Sisters of mercy society of the 2nd patriotic war for helping soldiers’ orphans, charity, soldiers’ orphans’ home in lakhta, olginsky committee, romanovsky committee

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204492   |   DOI: 10.24412/2071-5358-2024-3-332-337

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