General approaches tо treatment of young cattle in diarrhoeic and respiratory syndrome diseases

Автор: Belkin B.L., Malakhova N.A., Komarov V.Yu., Urazayev D.N., Prudnikov V.S.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (73), 2018 года.

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Material which contains the common requirements to the approach of diagnostics and treatment of young cattle with the gastrointenstinal upset and with Respiratory Disease is presented in the review article. The diseases are caused by the influence of various factors and predominantly have composite etiological and pathogenetic origin with the participation of various viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans. It is known that the progression of a number of infectious processes becomes aggravated because of the violation of hygiene, feeding and management of animals. In their emergence the resistance status of an organism is of great importance. Along with the common symptoms of diseases (loss of appetite, temperature rise, weight loss, depressing, etc.), in some cases involvement of all systems of an organism is possible. It should be taken into consideration both when performing differential diagnostics, and when identifying the stigma localized in the respiratory or digestive organs. So, at the gastrointestinal upset (diarrheic syndrome) the frequent output of the formless excrements is observed (scour). Infected with colibacillosis young cattle have yellow and white excrements with watery mucilage, in salmonellosis they have yellow and (sometimes) green, fluid excrements with mucilage, fibrin, sometimes blood. As a rule, during this period animals have no appetite, body temperature sometimes increases, the dryness of mucous membrane is observed, there comes anemia and exhaustion of organism and there comes depression. As a rule, the gastrointestinal upset is observed in newborn pigs and the Respiratory disease is usually observed by suckling calves.


Calf, malfunction of digestion and respiration, treatment, medicines, medical and preventive actions

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IDR: 147228749   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2018.4.60

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