Overview of the positions of the international community on the reform of the un security council of the United Nations

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The UN Security Council is the leading body in the UN system with the authority to form and establish the international legal order and make decisions in the field of international security. Competition in the international arena and geopolitics have an impact on international law and order and security. Since the Caribbean crisis, the issue of the powers and reform of the UN Security Council has become relevant. The article examines the positions of a number of countries and international organizations on the issue of reforming the UN Security Council. The relevance of the topic is due to the role of the United Nations in modern international relations. Due to the uncertainty in modern international relations, as a result of which the participants in international relations have formed their own principles of international law. The article provides a comparative analysis of the positions of states, groups of states and international organizations on the issue of UN reform and states the need to further strengthen cooperation among participants in international relations in the interests of reforming the UN Security Council and the future world order.


Security council reform, international cooperation, foreign policy, bilateral relations

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140306065

IDR: 140306065   |   DOI: 10.52068/2304-9839_2024_67_2_124

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