An overview of the theory of transport phenomena and surface phenomena in relation to the solution of some problems of analytical instrumentation

Автор: Sharfarets Boris Pinkusovich

Журнал: Научное приборостроение @nauchnoe-priborostroenie

Рубрика: Физика приборостроения

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.25, 2015 года.

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The review is devoted to the consideration of surface phenomena and transport phenomena, occuring in fluid flow. Surface phenomena are considered to occur when the curvature of the phase boundary surface pressure and shear stress caused by the gradient of surface tension. The focus of the review is given to the phenomenon of momentum transfer in laminar those chenie fluids and is closely associated with it the phenomena of heat and mass transfer. All phenomena are re-of the nose are considered from a unified theory of similarity that makes it easy extrapola-VAT results from one to the other. Great attention is paid to the criteria of similarity, Fi-guiraudon in these processes and allows to transparently observe all of them huge lot of peculiarity. This is widely used formalism of the theory of the boundary layer that is fair to all these transfer phenomena. In applications of the methods of similarity theory with respect to the transfer phenomena, we summarize some aspects of the turbulent flow, the actual reference data. Materials can be usefully used in the practice of scientific instrumentation.


Capillary pressure, transport phenomena, momentum transfer, energy transfer, mass transfer, boundary layer, the thickness of the boundary layer, transport phenomena in circular tubes, similarity criterion

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IDR: 14264989

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