Assessment of dynamic stability of a simple power system in an object-oriented programming environment Delphi

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This article discusses the materials for creating a software development for analysis of dynamic stability of a simple adjustable electrical system. The aim of development is to assess the dynamic stability of power transmission the simplest electrical system by the appearance of symmetrical short circuit (SC) on the air line, as well as to consider changes resistance with the variation of load power in a given schema, the change in long air line and change the configuration schema with two transformers one transformer. The solution of the problem of analysis of dynamic stability of power system is implemented in an object-oriented programming environment Delphi. The article also provides an assessment of existing programs for the calculation of dynamic stability of electric circuits, the possibility of their application for solving the task. The article deals with the formulation and condition assessment objectives dynamic stability of the simplest electrical system, briefly considered the method of determining the angle limit disable the generator, shows the implementation of the tasks and the working principle of the application, the main working window, work with them and the conclusions. We plan to expand the program: its application to the calculation of the assessment of dynamic stability with asymmetrical short circuits in the power lines.


Delphi, software, dynamic stability

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177423

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