Assessment of ecological risk from radiation exposure for natural ecosystems contaminated due to Chernobyl accident

Автор: Maistrenko T.A., Belykh E.S., Trapeznikov A.V., Zainullin V.G., Vakhrusheva O.M.

Журнал: Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН @izvestia-komisc

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 (15), 2013 года.

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Quantitative estimation of ecological risk from radioactive exposure is required for environment quality control, biological resources conservation and management of radioactively contaminated territories. The paper presents dose limits calculated for different terrestrial biota species according to methodology proposed within the frames of ERICA project. Also assessment of radioactive expo- sure levels considered to be safe for natural plant and animal populations inhabiting areas contaminated as a result of Chernobyl NPP accident is made. Results obtained can be applied to management of radioactively contaminated territories and safety norms regulation.


Radioactive contamination, irradiation doses for non-human biota, chernobyl npp accident, biological effects

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IDR: 14992622

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