Evaluation of the reliability of voltage signaling devices

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The paper presents the analysis and evaluation of the reliability of voltage detectors “IVA-N” (VD) developed and manufactured by the Scientific and Production Center “Electrical Safety” of Vyatka State University. The study includes a study of the dynamics of the growth of reliability indicators of VD in recent years, an analysis of design improvements and reliability calculation methods, as well as the determination of the average operating time to failure and other key parameters affecting the reliability and durability of these devices. The method of investigating the reliability of voltage detectors “IVA-N” included the collection of data on devices, the calculation of reliability indicators and the analysis of the results obtained from the Study of the reliability of voltage detectors allowed us to create a system to eliminate the shortcomings identified during operation. The methodology for calculating reliability indicators quantified the changes in the design of the VD. Over more than 20 years of improvement, reliability indicators have increased by more than 3 times, and the service life, with the probability that the device will not reach the limit state with a confidence probability of γ = 95 %, was more than 6 years. This technique has been successfully applied to other devices. Improving reliability indicators creates conditions for safe maintenance of electrical installations and the preservation of life and health of personnel.


Electrical safety, reliability, voltage detector, probability of trouble-free operation, service life

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147246078

IDR: 147246078   |   DOI: 10.14529/power240309

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