Assessment of violations of biochemical indicators of central nervous system and liver in children consuming water with high content of organochlorine compounds

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According to the results of the research showed that in children consuming drinking water with high content of organochlorine compounds at the level of 2.2-4.3 MPC (up to a maximum of 7.3 MPC), the concentration of organochlorine compounds in blood in 1.6-3.9 times higher than the reference level, submit the risk for development negative side effects of critical organs and systems. Doc Zana dependence of the probability of a deviation of indicators, characterized by an imbalance of oxy-dannyh and oxidation reactions in the body, imbalances of neurotransmitters and activation of the process of cytolysis.

Organochlorine compounds, liver, central nervous system, biochemical indicators, children, drinking-water curve, causal relationship

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IDR: 147204732

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