Assessment by the population of the effectiveness of digital communication of the heads of regions in the internet dialogue “power - society”

Автор: Maksimenko A.A., Zaitsev A.V., Deyneka O.S., Zyablikov A.V., Akhunzyanova F.T.

Журнал: Регионология @regionsar

Рубрика: Политическая регионалистика. Этнополитика

Статья в выпуске: 2 (127) т.32, 2024 года.

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Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of digital communication of the governorʼs corps with the society. This problem attracts the attention of many scholars, but there are very few works with empirical verification of the models proposed by various research authors, and there is a lack of substantiation and scientific understanding of the objective assessment of the effectiveness of digital dialog. The purpose of the study is to analyze and compare the effectiveness of digital communication of regional heads of the Central Federal District on the basis of empirical data and identify its strengths and weaknesses Materials and Methods. To assess the effectiveness of digital communication of regional heads with the population, a study was conducted, which included 2 stages. At the first stage of the research the responsiveness of the authorities to the needs of the population was assessed by means of an online survey. The second stage of the research was realized through monitoring of social networks of the heads of regions of the Central Federal District. The tasks of the second stage included the search for answers to the questions about the popularity of regional policy among the population, about the compliance of the information agenda of the regional heads with the needs articulated in the regional social media, as well as about the effectiveness of response to certain problematic situations arising on the ground.


Dialogue between government and society, digital space, public dialogue, openness of government, responsiveness of government, digital communications, social media

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IDR: 147243832   |   DOI: 10.15507/2413-1407.127.032.202402.217-241

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