Assessment of the potential for tourism development in the regions of the Russian Federation (using the example of the resources of the Altai Republic)

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The article reveals the features of the unique natural and historical and cultural potential of the Altai Republic. The resource potential, socio-economic opportunities of the destination are investigated. The dynamics of tourist visits to the Altai Republic is considered. A model of the development of various types of tourism in the territory is presented. It is concluded that the Altai Republic combines various types of tourism on its territory: cultural and educational tourism, active tourism, recreational tourism with various directions, represents a set of cultural and historical values and natural uniqueness, which together form the attractiveness of the destination both for tourists and for the tourism industry as a whole. In this regard, ethnographic tourism is a promising type of tourism for the region, which is a leitmotif in various directions.


Cultural and historical tourism, ethnographic tourism, region, cultural features of the territory, ethnicity, classification, destination, tourism industry

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IDR: 142241438   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3468

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