Estimate of total cloud cover repeatability in White and Barents seas, Transarctic expedition stage III materials

Автор: Zotova Ekaterina, Rumina Tatiana, Ivanov Boris

Журнал: Российская Арктика @russian-arctic

Рубрика: Науки о земле

Статья в выпуске: 10, 2020 года.

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This paper is focused on the estimate of total cloud cover repeatability in the areas of White and South East part of Barents Seas in July-August 2019. All data collected during the research educational expedition “Transarctic-2019, stage III”. Total cloud cover data were collected visually. All collected data were converted into a percentage of total number of all cases and divided into five gradations from 0-1 points to 9-10 points. Significant repeatability of cloudy sky cases (9-10 points) was revealed in comparison with cloudless sky cases (0-1 points). The results were compared with previous investigations on the repeatability of total cloud cover in Arctic Region and showed the tendency to increase the number of cloudy sky cases in comparison with the number of clear sky cases in the summer season.


Cloud cover, white sea, barents sea, trans-arctic, professor molchanov

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IDR: 170174493   |   DOI: 10.24411/2658-4255-2020-12101

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