Estimation of fast-ripening samples of the stamping variety of tomato in the dry subtropics conditions
Автор: Nurmatov N.J., Jumayev E.A.
Журнал: Овощи России @vegetables
Рубрика: Селекция и семеноводство сельскохозяйственных растений
Статья в выпуске: 4 (42), 2018 года.
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The excretion and inculcation of stamped varieties of tomato and hybrids into production are of particular value in conditions of dry subtropics. In this regard, during 2013-2015 in the Surkhandarya Scientific Experimental Station of the Research Institute of Vegetable and Melon Crops and Potatoes, a collection of tomato strains was studied for biological and economic precocity, maturity, etc. For the duration of the «young growth-flowering» period, the best were No.86, Yamal, GemState, and Sever. Blooming on the first brush, they come in 8-13 days before the standard variety. The Argo, Chelnyok, Ion-N, Alpatyeva 905а, L-923-92 samples with a duration of 38-40 days have a short period of «flowering-ripening». Maturation of the first fruit (fetus) occurs 1-3 days earlier than the standard. By weight of the fetus, the samples studied can be divided into two groups: medium fruit (61-93 g) - L-923-92, Argo; small fruit (28-58 g) - GemState, Ion-N, Sever, Nevsky, etc., only 10 samples. The total yield varies from 16.4 to 55.5 t / ha, depending on the variety. Samples No.86 and Chelnok are 7.7 and 12.3% higher than the standard for the general harvest. The lowest overall yield is GemState, Ion-N, Sever, Nevsky, Yamal, Argo, L-923-2, with a yield of 16.4-34.1 t / ha, which is 33.269.0% of the standard. The only sample No. 86 for the early harvest is 32% higher than the standard. As a result of the study and a comprehensive assessment of tomato stamping varieties, the biologically early ripened ones are Sever, Nevsky, Ion-N, Otradny, GemState, the sprouting-maturing period of which is 95-99 days; economically early ripened - No.86; amity of ripening of samples - Yamal, Sever, Ion-N, Nevsky, Stamped Alpatyeva 905a, GemState, with maturity ripeness from 69 to 90%. They are a valuable source material for selection of stamped, early-ripening, amity of ripening varieties of tomato for dry subtropics conditions of Uzbekistan.
Biological and economic early maturity, leafiness, source material, stamped varieties, ripeness, mass of fetus
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 140223815 | DOI: 10.18619/2072-9146-2018-4-44-46