Estimation of the condition of industrial policy of the northern region

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The article emphasizes the need to study the state of the industrial policy of the country as a whole and of each individual region for the development of measures for a fundamental change in its content and approaches to its implementation. An assessment of the state of industrial policy in the Komi Republic is given. The conclusion is made about the need to modernize industrial production in the country, primarily in the processing types of economic activity. The proposed measures that build a systematic approach to solving problems of growth of industrial production in the area. They are adequate to the current situation, aimed at finding opportunities for the development of the non-primary sector of the economy, development of the manufacturing industry, which is especially important in the context of sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union countries and the need to implement an import substitution policy.


Region, industrial policy, industrial production, manufacturing industry, public-private partnership

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IDR: 142221060

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