Effects of actinides on population exposed to routine operation of a nuclear power plant with sodium-cooled fast reactors

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This paper considers effects of radioactive substances continuously released during routine operation of sodium cooled fast reactors. Preliminary estimate of possible effects of continuously released actinides on a population exposed to routinely operating fast neutrons high-power reactor, containing fuel rods with cladding defects in the core was made with the use of developed program complex. Annual release of actinides, isotopes Pu, Am and Cm, into the air, as well as their contribution to radiation dose to the population were estimated. In models used for calculation the value of 6,46·10 4 Bq/year was taken as the annual emission of the actinides. Contribution of actinides released with aerosols of radioactive corrosion and fission products and noble radioactive gases to radiation dose was estimate as well. Released liquid radioactive substances, are major contributors to dose to critical groups of population, were not considered in the study. In described scenario the contribution of actinides in annual total radiation dose with account of internal dose due to inhalation to the public is about 1. If concentration of minor actinides, Am and Cm, in the fuel of fast neutrons high power reactor increases by the order, for example, in the case of minor actinides transmutation, contribution of actinides to radiation dose will increase by about 10%, and they will make determinative contribution, about 90%, to dose due to inhalation.


Npp, fast neutrons reactor, emission, radiation dose, radionuclide, environment, population, exposure, program complex, food chains, food, actinides

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170170183

IDR: 170170183

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