Ontogenetic structure of cenopopulations of Polygala sibirica L. (Polygalaceae) in habitats with different anthropogenic impact

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The structure of cenopopulations of the rare in the southeast of the European part of Russia Polygala sibirica L. ( Polygalaceae ) was studied. The demographic and spatial structure was determined according to traditional population methods. Specific ontogenetic spectra in habitats with different anthropogenic load are analyzed. Assessment of age and effectiveness showed that most of the populations are mature, one is transitional, one is aging. The basic ontogenetic spectrum is compiled, it is an incomplete-member single-vertex right-sided with a maximum on older generative individuals. The increase of anthropogenic impact on habitats leads to aging of populations. The lack of influence also adversely affects the status of species populations in the community. In the Samara region Polygala sibirica is under threat of extinction.


Polygala sibirica l, population, ontogenetic structure, red book, samara region

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14992932

IDR: 14992932

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